
  • 震惊!黄仁勋骗过了全世界,三个多月都没人发觉!皮衣是假的厨房是假的连人都是假的

    英伟达今年4月份那场发布会,你曾看出有什么不对劲的地方吗?你品,你细品:刚刚,在计算机图形学顶会SIGGRAPH 2021上,英伟达通过一部纪录片自曝:那场发布会内藏玄机~你看到了老黄,但也没完全看到。因为,这是一场当面“造假”的发布会。画面中老黄的厨房、标志性的皮衣,甚至他的表情、动作、头发……全都是合成出来的。这是一场开在元宇宙里的发布会,发表演讲的是英伟达CEO黄仁勋的数字人替身。彼时彼刻,

    2021-08-12 tuwei312

  • 先睹为快,初创企业持 AI 彩练舞动 GTC 中国线上大会

    前方高能!!海量精彩预告,“正片”锁定关注:就在 12 月 15 日 GTC 中国线上大会初创企业最终展示及初创企业线上展厅。哪些时刻,让你由衷感慨科技之光、AI 力量点亮生活角角落落?哪些场景,让你心生敬畏、赞叹“初生牛犊不怕虎”的气场与精神?来 GTC 中国线上大会,在初创企业最终展示殿堂( Inception Showcase Final Show 2020) 及初创企业线上展厅,你就可以找

    2020-12-09 tuwei312

  • In today's society, the development of artificial intelligence has profoundly changed our way of life. From content output fields such as manuscript writing and image rendering, to service work such a

    This year, the COVID-19 has severely impacted many industries around the world, and a large number of enterprises have suffered a sharp decline in revenue or even closed down. However, the automation and digitization industry has not only remained unscathed, but has instead become one of the rare "winners". Official statistics and business surveys show that the COVID-19 epidemic is promoting the use of automation technology. The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) predicts that the number of professional service robots on duty worldwide will increase by 38% this year and continue to grow in the next two years. Logistics robots currently hold the largest market share, and their numbers are expected to be in 2019 and 2021

    2020-11-04 admin

  • TWOWINIT Invited to Attend the 38th China Computer Application Conference

    The 38th China Computer Application Conference (CCF NCCA 2023) and 2023 Artificial Intelligence+Application Academic Conference were held in Suzhou from July 16th to 19th. This conference is hosted by the Chinese Computer Society (CCF), organized by the CCF Computer Application Professional Committee, and co organized by Suzhou University, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Technology, and other institutions. The picture shows that Technology was invited to participate in this conference, and the picture shows that Technology CEO - Su Shipeng gave a special speech on the Intelligent Manufacturing Forum. The productivity of modern humans depends on industrial capabilities

    2020-11-04 admin

  • 人工智能到了“+AI”新阶段

    “中国的经济发展已经进入到双循环(国内、国际)发展的模式中,但是在新的历史时期和国际环境下,中国必须要有更强的自主创新能力,补足短板,因此,内循环的首要关键问题就是要如何扩大自身的创新能力。”10月13日,2020小蛮腰科技大会——全球移动开发者大会暨人工智能高峰论坛在广州举行,经济学家樊纲在会上指出。 今年上半年,人工智能场景化落地迎来大爆发,红外测温、发热AI自查、AI识别新冠肺炎CT……科技

    2020-11-04 admin

  • 引入人工智能,打破农业发展瓶颈

    中国自古以来就是一个以农耕为基础的农业大国。晋·陈寿《三国志·魏书·杨阜传》里对农业的重要性是这样描述的:“致治在于任贤,兴国在于务农”。这句话的意思就是:达到大治在于任用贤才,兴旺国家在于尽力发展农业。农业的兴旺是国家发展和稳定的基础。 伴随着近代几次工业革命,现代化的机械在农业领域里得到了长足的应用,从而大大促进了农业的发展,使粮食产量也大幅增加,但是农业生产的成本也相应提高了很多,另外农业病

    2020-11-04 admin

  • 微软和SpaceX合作 与亚马逊云业务竞争扩大到太空

    据国外媒体报道,微软将与马斯克(Elon Musk)旗下SpaceX及其它公司合作,该公司与亚马逊云业务竞争扩大到太空。 微软将大量使用低轨道航天器、以及更多在更高轨道绕地球飞行的传统卫星,帮助连接和部署新的服务。 3个月前,亚马逊的云业务部门Amazon Web Services(AWS)披露了进入太空业务的计划。 微软云业务正在方方面面和亚马逊竞争。上月,外媒还报道,微软正在采用一种新策略,即

    2020-11-04 admin

  • 重磅! 全球环保行业最大单笔机器人采购订单落地

    2020年10月21日,智能垃圾分拣机器人引领者弓叶科技与全球工业机器人知名企业李群自动化,正式签订首批50台机器人采购协议。双方强强联手,共同开发适用于垃圾分拣恶劣环境的高速高防护并联机器人。这是迄今为止,全球环保行业最大单笔机器人采购订单。 同气连枝:打造环保行业机器人独角兽 作为垃圾分拣机器人的引领者与创新者,弓叶科技坚定不移地走自主创新之路,不断从实践中完善产品,先进的人工智能分选技术应用

    2020-11-04 admin