Industry information

The impact of AI edge computing on communication information

2023-08-16 14:08:56 tuwei312

Since the first half of 2023, many new products based on edge computers and artificial intelligence have continued to appear, greatly changing and enriching our life patterns and changing the traditional way of information transmission. Compared with the previous network basic transmission, the emergence of edge computers is changing this industrial chain model. As a professional expert in the field of AI edge computers, Technology has been committed to building a first-line brand of edge computing equipment.

Internet content and applications will become the infrastructure for artificial intelligence

Introverted thinking of Internet enterprises: embrace generative artificial intelligence technology to replace the original production methods and improve their own production efficiency. Since 2023, as large models have become a hot spot in the field of artificial intelligence, major domestic technology Internet giants have joined the ranks of R&D, and domestic large model products have been intensively landed, such as Baidu's "Wen Xin Yiyan", Ali's "Tongyi Qianwen",'s "Yanxi Industry Big Model", Huawei's "Pangu Big Model", etc. From the perspective of the functions and application scenarios of the large model announced by various enterprises, most of the domestic Internet companies show introverted thinking, and the large model mainly focuses on their own business, providing users with more intelligent and convenient services, bringing more innovation and competitiveness to enterprises, and avoiding falling behind in the new round of scientific and technological competition.


Large model enterprises actively explore: Based on Internet content and applications, adopt the plug-in model to expand the capability boundary and establish an AI large model ecosystem. Modern intelligent AI gives them more capabilities, not limited to content generation, more like an intelligent personal assistant, which also means that it will open the era of commercialization of large models as platforms. In the long run, generative artificial intelligence can replace humans to complete most of the traditional Internet information services with the help of plug-ins and other tools, which means that Internet applications will become the underlying infrastructure of generative artificial intelligence in the future, providing information content for artificial intelligence, and its application form will also undergo great changes.

The evolution of traditional Internet information content production methods and information service acquisition paths by generative artificial intelligence is in the stage of creating new requirements for new elements. The famous economist Brian Arthur divides the evolution process of new technology gradually replacing old technology into 6 links, namely, new technology becomes a new element in the active technology body, new elements replace the components of existing technology, new elements create new needs, old elements gradually withdraw, and bring more development space to new technologies, new technologies gradually become the main body of active technology, and finally promote the entire social economy to adjust accordingly. In the future, with the development and application of technology, traditional information content generation methods and information service acquisition paths will gradually withdraw, bringing greater development space to generative artificial intelligence, and Internet content and applications may become the infrastructure of artificial intelligence.